
Happiness and Fun in the Workplace

Is having fun at work important? Yes!

Fun in the workplace at Your Local Lincs MagazineThough it’s sometimes thought to be a distraction, research actually suggests it has a positive impact on both engagement, creativity, and purpose, which in turn increases employee retention and reduces absenteeism and work-related error. A sense of fun helps people to have a more positive mind-set, enjoy higher levels of wellbeing and better mental health. Fun in the workplace is essential!
fun in the workplace at Your Local Lincs Magazine
When a timeout is needed, I’ll pull out my Would You Rather book and ask my workmates to choose between two winless scenarios. We’ve discovered the office is the perfect environment for random scavenger hunts, and for some reason this involves an OXO cube. None of us even know why! We’ve also learnt it’s best not to turn your back for too long round here, what with all the pranks going on. I have literally blown Julie’s eardrums letting off party cannons, taped Rich’s chair and stuck googly eyes on his desk, and grabbed Mel’s ankles after hiding under her desk. One morning, Julie couldn’t do any work until she found the mouse hiding in the cupboard… Actually her computer mouse, of course! My personal favourite is the classic Veggie Pal (Veg-te-pal) and Fruit Friend creations, for who can resist bringing Brian the Broccoli to life, building a Mr Butternut or even admiring the cute cucumber!?

These gems of gaiety may only last for a few whimsical seconds or take hours in the planning but they are fantastic stress busters and levellers. It’s all too easy to get swept away with adulting and responsibility; sometimes our inner child needs to be set free. Sometimes, maybe we need to share the workplace giggles over the dinner table: ‘you’ll never believe what Rich did today…’ reliving the laughs, manifesting merriment and success while reducing stress and negativity. I’m with Miranda (Hart) and unashamedly see the benefits to galloping into the office with cake, swirling around on the office chair until we’re dizzy, and fighting for googly eyes to be as essential as staples…

Kerry x