
Introducing Evelyn’s Butterfly Effect

Evelyn's Butterfly Effect

Evelyn’s Butterfly Effect was created in memory of our 15-year old daughter Evelyn, to encourage random acts of kindness. Because, let’s face it, the world needs more kindness! The butterfly effect is the idea that if a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the earth, it is said to cause a hurricane on the other side. It is the scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can have significant consequences. And so it is with kindness. A single, simple act of kindness can have enormous consequences, which you may never see. Every single act of kindness creates a new wave of positivity that did not exist before.

Evelyn was an incredibly kind, thoughtful and generous girl. Even when she was unwell with her mental health, she went out of her way to help others with empathy and kindness. Evelyn quite often had no idea what a wonderful impact she had on other people.

Fancy getting involved and spreading some kindness in your community?

It’s easy to get involved – businesses and individuals – go out and surprise someone with a random act of kindness! It doesn’t have to be anything ‘big’. The small acts of kindness are often the ones that mean the most to people. For example…
Evelyn's Butterfly Effect
• Flowers for a stranger
• Chocolates for a volunteer
• Bake a cake for someone to enjoy
• Leave random gifts for people in your community to find

Evelyn’s butterfly effect cards can be used to encourage the recipient to ‘pay forward’ the kindness too. These are available in the following locations in Sleaford:

• The Hub
• The Pottery Painting Cafe
• Sleaford Leisure Centre

Head to our social media pages for more information and inspiration!



Evelyn's Butterfly EffectShare your pics!
We love to see stories and pictures of kind acts on social media – please tag us or use: #evelynsbutterflyeffect
That way we will be able to see the ripple effect of kindness – Evelyn’s butterfly effect in action…

Jenni and Jack, Evelyn’s proud parents x

Kindness is free, sprinkle that stuff everywhere!

If you or a loved one require support with your mental health, please reach out to the following helpline services:

• Papyrus Hopeline (under 35’s) – 0800 068 41 41
• Samaritans – 116 123
• Shout – text 85258
• LPFT mental health helpline (adults) – 0800 001 4331
• LPFT Here4You (children and young people) – 0800 234 6342